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Islam and Science Professor Ibrahim Kalin The discussion over Islam and science covers a wide scope of issues and stretches out from political pioneers and specialists to general society on the loose. Uncovering the ever-present strains among hypothesis and practice, this discussion happens at two dimensions: commonsense and scholarly. At the viable dimension, the test is staying aware of the innovative human progress of our age and conquering any hindrance between the propelled social orders of the West and Muslim nations. From Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the originator of the cutting edge Turkish Republic, to the Islamic Republic of Iran and poor and rich Arab nations, enabling countries through science and innovation is a top need for all legislatures in the Muslim world, despite the fact that not all prevail in this objective. Be that as it may, it isn't just governments and civil servants who think thusly; general society everywhere is likewise intrigued by the power and ench
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Islam And Science Facts "We (God) shall show them Our signs in the Universe and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the Truth." Quran 41:53 The Quran,s    the book of I lam , is the final book of revelation from God to humanity and the last in the line of revelations given to the Prophets.  Although the Quran (revealed over 1400 years ago), is not primarily a book of science, it does contain scientific facts that have only been discovered recently through the advancement of technology and scientific knowledge. Islam encourages reflection and scientific research because understanding the nature of creation enables people to further appreciate their Creator and the extent of His power and wisdom.  The Quran was revealed at a time when Science was primitive; there were no telescopes, microscopes or anything close to today's technology. People believed that the sun orbited the earth and the sky was held up by pillars at the corners of a f